third extension (2025)

digital video, color, sound
single channel, 1080p 16:9

third extension emerges as part of the d/wb project as a recursive aesthetic exploration of the reconciliation between the necessary and the contingent / sublime and the mundane within the framework of cognition and the potentiality in which objects are inscribed. Through faciality and abstraction as sign production, third extension works with language and the map in a framework of cybernetic openness, constructing an extensive narrative that allows for the absorption of contingencies and posits models of intelligence and learning. 

Signified and signifier appear in a dance of figure and ground, working with text boxes that are in constant dialogue with schematic audiovisual samples that form third powers / axis of reconciliation in scenarios that oppose each other, determining axes of symmetry that break down.

third extension works on the medium / technology / as the third axis of recursive escape that recodes the content of the limits of each opposition; as in the Recursive Diagram of One Speculative Becoming, this project attempts to locate the medium necessarily produced by the tension of opposition. Language here operates in a second layer of action as an abstract machine / produces sign / recodes value, recodes morality.

d/wb X: @_wetbox
(desert/decentralized // wet box) is a cybernetic techno-linguistic project that seeks to explore navigation using abstraction models, encryption codes and digital media

fragment / third extension